New Life in Christ, and our
denomination, Grace Communion
International is a mosaic of people
knit together in grace. We center
our lives on the gracious Triune
God-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
and revealed to us in Jesus Christ.
We point to God, helping all in our
midst participate in the love and life
of God, in union with Christ, by the
Spirit. WE are an inclusive church
that pursues God's Word (the Living
Word, Jesus, revealed in the written
Word, the Bible). It is our quest to
follow where Jesus, by his Word and
Spirit, leads.
Guests are always welcome at New Life. There is no dress code, so come dressed as you feel comfortable. We offer coffee and refreshments before and after service and look forward to connecting with you.
Our worship services are usually about 90 minutes long. We begin with a call to worship and singing. We project the lyrics so that you can sing along and/or engage in worship, however you feel comfortable. We then enter a time of prayer, scripture reading, and the sharing of an inspiring message about the hope of Jesus by one of our pastors or leaders.

Sunday School connects all kinds of families in a supportive, caring community exploring faith and serving others together. We'd love to have your family be part of that community! We'd love to share more about what's happening at Sunday School with you, and personally invite you to join us. You're invited to say hello to our Sunday School teachers and get involved.
"God loves you so completely that he has given himself for you in Jesus Christ, his beloved Son, and has thereby pledged his entire being as God for our salvation."
"He has bound us to himself by his love in a way that he will never let you go!"
WORSHIP SERVICES (Online for now)
Sunday at 10:30 AM (When we're back)
Join us for worship, singing, Sunday School and sharing of the Word.